Energy Robotics: CEO Of Energy Robotics: Amazing Types of Energy Are In Robotics

What is energy robotics? Energy Robotics offers a comprehensive solution designed for self-directed inspections within capital-intensive sectors like oil and gas, chemicals, power, and utilities.

Our software platform, compatible with various hardware setups, empowers asset proprietors to effortlessly oversee a collective of robots and drones programmed for independent inspection tasks.

Energy Robotics Technology TechnologyRefers

  1. Renewable Energy Maintenance: In Energy Robotics Robots can be used to inspect, repair, and maintain renewable energy systems like solar panels and wind turbines, reducing the need for human intervention in challenging or dangerous environments. 
  2. Nuclear Decommissioning: In Energy Robotics nuclear power plants, robots can be employed to safely handle and dismantle radioactive materials during decommissioning processes. 
  3. Oil and Gas Exploration: In Energy Robotics Robots can be used in offshore drilling operations or for exploring hard-to-reach locations in the oil and gas industry, improving efficiency and safety. 
  4. Pipeline Inspection and Maintenance: In Energy Robotics Robots can inspect pipelines for leaks, corrosion, and other issues, ensuring the integrity of the energy distribution infrastructure. 
  5. Mining Operations: In coal mining or other resource extraction processes, robots can be used to automate certain tasks and ensure worker safety. 
  6. Energy Infrastructure Inspection: Drones and robotic vehicles can be used to inspect power lines, substations, and other critical energy infrastructure. 
  7. Underwater Energy Installations: Robots can be used for maintenance and repair of underwater energy installations, such as underwater cables for data transmission or power distribution. 
  8. Remote Monitoring: Robots equipped with sensors and cameras can provide remote monitoring of energy facilities, helping operators detect anomalies and respond to incidents quickly.

Who is the CEO of Energy Robotics?

Marc Dassler, the CEO and co-founder of Energy Robotics, a company based in Darmstadt, Germany, specializing in software solutions for mobile inspection robots, engaged in a conversation with the Center for Data Innovation.

Dassler discussed the role of robots in addressing the demographic crisis, their optimal applications, and the challenges hindering broader adoption.

5 Q’s for Marc Dassler, CEO and Co-Founder at Energy Robotics

Energy Robotics Technology TechnologyRefers (1)

  1. Numerous developed nations are encountering, or are on the verge of confronting, a “demographic crisis” due to an aging workforce. How do you envision robots playing a role in mitigating this challenge?

A    First and foremost, it’s crucial to comprehend the scale of the challenge at hand. Currently, we are confronted with a substantial issue as the Baby Boomer generation begins their retirement phase in the upcoming year.

In Germany, by 2023, the initial segment of the Baby Boomer generation will see around 1.145 million individuals retiring, contrasted with only approximately 700,000 entering the job market.

This glaring disparity is poised to magnify over time. In the coming years, the trend of more retirements coupled with fewer entrants into the job market will persist, a trend observed across much of Europe.

Consequently, it becomes imperative to facilitate a transition of our highly skilled workforce toward tasks that generate greater value. This is precisely where robotics assumes significance. As demonstrated during the previous industrial revolution, robotics has the capacity to supplant roles with lesser value contribution in the value chain, while still upholding significant employment levels within the economy.


  1. Which sectors are poised to experience the most immediate advantages from the deployment of robotic fleets?

A    We must clarify our understanding of the term “robotics.” Software-based robots, driven by AI, have undeniably made a substantial impact across diverse industries. On the hardware front, the adoption is projected to be prominent in tasks characterized by elevated remuneration, considerable risk, and repetitive nature.

There exists an industry adage for these specific tasks: “dull, dirty, and dangerous.” It’s imperative to prioritize the replacement of humans in such tasks, as the objective is to avert injuries or fatalities on the job.

Robots are better suited for these responsibilities as they can execute actions tirelessly and with remarkable precision. The domains that witness the most notable integration of robots are those involving extensive repetition, high human risk, and favorable cost dynamics. Presently, this trend is observable in sectors such as oil, gas, chemicals, power, utilities, security, and surveillance.


  1. What are some of the primary challenges impeding the shift from remote-controlled to entirely autonomous robot fleets?

A  The absence of an AI with an instinctive comprehension of the environment remains a significant gap. Currently, we lack such an AI system. Robots are capable of capturing images for precise measurements in millimeters, examining flanges, and conducting various checks.

These instructions can be effectively programmed into a robot, resulting in flawless execution. However, robots may overlook damaged pipes if they weren’t specifically programmed to identify such issues. This limitation restricts the robot’s capacity to provide comprehensive outcomes.

On the flip side, in terms of hardware, the requirement is for robots that possess full capability to function effectively within a human-made environment. Presently, there is a notable presence of robots that employ four-legged configurations for mobility, which provides a robust operational foundation.

Additionally, there are wheeled robots that offer a more cost-efficient and thus appealing option from a business perspective.

However, for optimal performance, the adoption of humanoid robots becomes imperative. Our constructed environment is tailored to suit human attributes, not those of robots with four legs or wheels.

The forthcoming progression, anticipated within the next two to three years, will involve the emergence of humanoid robots as a viable solution, offered at a price point that holds industry appeal for widespread adoption.


  1. In what ways do digital twins, which are digital representations of the physical world, enhance and facilitate the capabilities of robots?

A   Our robots generate their own digital twins, which are subsequently integrated with the digital twins used by your customers. This integration involves various layers of representation. Our robots’ digital twins closely mirror reality because they operate in the physical world.

Simultaneously, there exist more conceptual digital twins that suit operating a facility but lack precision for guiding robots in physical spaces. To address this, we resolve the issue by amalgamating these twin representations, enabling seamless operations for both the facility and the robots within it.

Allow me to offer a straightforward illustration. Consider a pump within your conceptual digital twin, planned five years ago. However, the actual position of this pump may have shifted, deviating by around 20 centimeters to the left or right.

Our robots must adapt to these deviations and comprehend the alterations. This challenge stands as a task we are undertaking in the upcoming year and potentially over the following years, aiming to bridge the gap between these highly conceptual digital components and the tangible reality within which our robots operate.


  1. In popular culture, particularly in movies and television, robots are frequently depicted as ominous or antagonistic towards human well-being. How does Energy Robotics establish a sense of trust between human operators and the machines they control?

A   If you take a look around, you’ll also find a multitude of amiable robots. Think of characters like Johnny 5 or WALL-E. In the realm of human creations and advancements, there always exists a dual aspect. For us, it’s of utmost importance to emphasize our commitment to never weaponize robots, as we firmly believe that approach is misguided.

Our efforts are consistently directed towards implementing robust safety protocols, ensuring that the robot operates without causing harm in any scenario.

Our primary focus is on cultivating the safety of robot utilization, while simultaneously striving to relieve humans from tasks that are monotonous, perilous, or unclean.

Our objective centers on removing humans from hazardous environments, as that’s where we envision the most significant societal benefits.


Read More: Canadarm2 Technology

What Types of Energy are in Robotics?

For the automation of robotics, various types of power sources can be employed. The selection of these power sources depends on factors such as the size, shape, and weight of the robotic machines. The available options encompass a range of sources to cater to diverse requirements.

Energy Robotics Technology TechnologyRefers (2)

Photo Voltaic Cells

Photovoltaic or solar cells offer a means to charge the batteries within robotic systems. These cells are employed alongside capacitors, which can be charged to a predetermined voltage level and then discharged to drive motor movements.

Photovoltaic cells find prominent use in BEAM robots, which comprise a capacitor and a small circuit enabling the controlled charging and discharging of the capacitor through the motor, inducing motion. The power sources typically involve batteries and/or capacitors.

Batteries provide direct current (DC) voltage for the robot’s control board, while capacitors furnish alternating current (AC) voltage for governing the robot’s mobility via electrical servomotors.

The interplay between batteries and capacitors facilitates energy charging and discharging. Recharging strategies for batteries and capacitors include onboard solar panels and external power stations Energy Robotics.

Photovoltaic cells, often referred to as solar cells or photoelectric cells, convert sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect.

This renewable energy source holds immense potential when coupled with batteries and/or capacitors, allowing robot operation even in low-light conditions for a certain duration.

BEAM robotics optimally harnesses the capabilities of these solar cells. BEAM stands for “Biology, Electronics, Aesthetics, and Mechanics,” representing a robotics approach centered on uncomplicated components and analog circuits, yielding flexible and efficient robots.

Key principles guiding BEAM robot creation include streamlined design, minimal electronic components, and harnessing energy from various electromagnetic waves, including heat, sunlight, and radio waves.

Solar energy, notably harnessed via solar cells, emerges as a pivotal source within BEAM robots. Solar cells and panels offer multifaceted prospects in this arena, enabling the crafting of unique and innovative designs.

The widespread availability and convertibility of solar energy make BEAM robots a preferred avenue for constructing solar-powered robots.

Fuel cells

Fuel cells provide direct energy through a non-combustion process that draws power directly from hydrocarbon sources with impressive efficiencies of up to 75%. This mechanism involves the arrangement of two electrodes flanking a conductive electrolyte. Energy Robotics .

Electrons are liberated from the anode with the assistance of a platinum catalyst, and these electrons fuel the generation of electrical current across a load. Through the utilization of waste heat, the efficiency of fuel cells can be elevated to nearly 80%.


Additional potential power sources for Energy Robotics systems encompass:

  1. – Flywheel energy storage
  2. – Hydraulics
  3. – Compressed gases
  4. – Super capacitors
  5. – Organic waste.
  • Fuel cells, similar to batteries, supply direct current using a non-combustion process. They tap into hydrocarbon sources for energy, achieving higher efficiencies compared to combustion-based methods, which usually yield around 30-40% energy extraction.Unlike heat engine processes, fuel cells aren’t restricted by Carnot efficiencies. Employing gas cathodes and anodes, fuel cells acquire reactants from an external source. A newer iteration, known as metal-air batteries, employs gas cathodes and solid anodes, bearing resemblances to semi-fuel cells.
  • A fuel cell (FC) is an electrochemical device that merges fuel (typically hydrogen) and oxidant (air) to yield pure energy. Fuel cells operate at low temperatures and exhibit high power density, enabling swift startup. They can also be integrated into hybrid power systems alongside high-energy density devices such as batteries or ultra-capacitors to cater to transient power requirements.These hybrid systems offer benefits like superior efficiency, performance, power density, transient response, and reduced system volume.


  • The diagram illustrates an active hybrid system, wherein power distribution between the PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) cell fuel stack and ultra-capacitors is controllable through distinct DC-DC converters.In this configuration, ultra-capacitors replace battery systems, linked to the DC bus through a bidirectional converter. This converter runs in parallel with the fuel cell terminals to provide power for mobile robots. A control strategy oversees this hybrid system, monitoring PEM Fuel Cell and ultra-capacitor voltages and currents to estimate power flows.


  • A micro-fuel cell is constructed from a specialized membrane with a unique characteristic: it is impermeable to gases but allows the transmission of protons. This membrane acts as the electrolyte, positioned between the porous conductive electrodes. Hydrogen ions traverse the membrane, and the ensuing release of electrons from the hydrogen facilitates the generation of current across a load.The prevailing fuel cell technologies, with significant potential, often revolve around the Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) approach. This method employs a platinum catalyst on the anode and a polymer membrane within the electrolyte.


  • Given the compact dimensions of the robot and its small stature, an intermetallic compound, LaNi5, served as the basis for a 30-liter capacity metal hydride storage tank. The design underwent revisions to achieve prototype completion.The hydrogen flow from the tank to the stack was managed through a pressure regulator developed for metal hydrides, maintaining the supply pressure to the stack at approximately 3 psi (250 mbar). A manual valve facilitated the opening or closing of the hydrogen tank. Unlike lead-acid batteries, which necessitate around 8 hours for a full recharge after depletion, a hydrogen tank or a 10-minute refill sufficed to reactivate the robot.


  • A comprehensive evaluation of material energy densities utilized in fuel cells and batteries must also consider the supporting systems’ contributions to weight and voltage. High-purity hydrogen (99.997%) and air (oxygen) were employed for anode and cathode supply, respectively.In this specific application, the micro-fuel cell consists of 14 cells connected in series (model H30, manufactured by Horizon Company), delivering a maximum power of 30 watts. The open circuit voltage (OCV) stands at +12.8V, translating to an average voltage of approximately +0.92V per cell. The chosen micro-fuel cell measures roughly 80 × 47 × 75 mm.

    Hydrogen is sourced from a metal hydride container. This suggests that the stability and reliability of the existing fuel cell stack are reasonably satisfactory.

Notably, a PEM fuel cell generates heat during operation, while the metal hydride absorbs heat when the system is operational. It’s important to note that the fuel cell stack will shut down if the temperature exceeds 60ºC, and the metal hydride might not release hydrogen if the temperature drops too low.

Batteries -Energy Robotics

Batteries constitute the central component within a Energy Robotics system. Batteries can be categorized as either rechargeable or non-rechargeable. Non-rechargeable batteries exhibit a higher power output relative to their size and are suitable for specific applications. Alkaline batteries, characterized by their affordability, contrast with lithium batteries, which boast prolonged shelf life and superior performance.

Common rechargeable battery types such as nickel-cadmium (NiCd) and lead-acid batteries offer a lower voltage output compared to alkaline counterparts. These batteries are commonly housed in battery packs alongside specialized power connectors. Gelled lead-acid batteries are extensively utilized and capable of delivering power up to 40Wh/kg.

Other rechargeable battery technologies, such as lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride, and silver-zinc batteries, notably present significantly enhanced energy densities. The landscape encompasses a diverse array of battery chemistries and types.

  • A battery achieves the ability to provide current—i.e., a continuous flow of electrons—due to the negative electrode’s material releasing electrons during a chemical reaction. This entails a chemical reaction liberating electrons at the anode while another chemical reaction absorbs them at the cathode.In the Energy Robotics the electrolyte, separating the anode and cathode, serves the sole purpose of transporting ions between the two sides. The electrolyte can be entirely liquid, also functioning as an electrode separator. In the negative electrode material, the process of losing electrons is termed oxidation, while the positive electrode material’s task of absorbing electrons is called reduction.

    A battery necessitates a pair of chemical reactions—an oxidation-reduction pair—also referred to as a redox reaction pair.

Mechnical Energy Robotics

This tutorial will delve into the practical applications of comprehending energy within the context of robotics. Without delving into a lecture on high school physics, let’s dive straight into the engaging aspects.

What makes this tutorial particularly valuable is its simplicity in employing the laws of physics to determine the minimum energy requirement for your robot to execute any desired task. This approach will aid you in selecting an appropriate battery.


[a]. Potential Energy Robotics

Potential energy pertains to the energy “stored” within an object when it’s in a state of rest. For instance, imagine holding a rock in your hand; it possesses potential energy, which can be calculated using the formula:


Potential Energy (measured in joules) = Mass (kg) * Gravity (m/s²) * Height (m).

Although this formula might initially seem unrelated to robots, consider this: if your robot were to ascend a cliff, how much energy would be depleted from its battery? Well, the energy required by your robot would equate to the potential energy at the summit of the cliff.

Alternatively, let’s consider a scenario where you possess a robot helicopter and aim to ascertain its maximum achievable altitude using a specific battery. In this case, a minor adjustment to the equation suffices:


Maximum Height Possible = Battery Energy / (Mass * Gravity)

Thermoelectric Energy Robotics

Thermo-electric energy sources of Energy Robotics are devices that directly convert heat energy into electrical energy through the Seebeck effect. The Seebeck effect generates electrical current or voltage within a circuit composed of two distinct conducting materials if the two junctions are maintained at different temperatures.

Conversely, the Peltier effect employs an electrical current for cooling or heating purposes. This mode of power generation holds several advantages over alternative methods that transform heat into electricity:

  • it operates without moving parts, remains silent, devoid of vibrations, and can be scaled down to very compact sizes without efficiency loss. However, thermoelectric conversion efficiencies only range from 5% to 10%. For power outputs below a few kilowatts, there’s a significant trade-off between a high Seebeck coefficient and high electrical conductivity due to the interplay of electronic density-of-states (DOS) and electron group velocity.The shape of the DOS energy curve deep within a varied structure further complicates matters. Achieving substantial barrier heights and elevated doping concentrations could potentially mitigate this compromise, leading to significantly enhanced thermoelectric power factor. To facilitate this, the conservation of electron transverse momentum perpendicular to heterostructure barriers must be relinquished.


  • Comparing thermoelectric/thermionic devices with thermo-photovoltaic energy converters reveals a distinction in the average energy of emitted hot carriers, stemming from the contrasting electronic and photonic density-of-states in the reservoirs. Energy Robotics Thermoelectric generators lack high specific power or specific energy.For instance, Global Thermoelectric produces a model 5015 unit capable of delivering 15W at 12 or 24VDC. However, its weight of 21 kg, excluding fuel, results in a specific power of 0.7W/kg. Larger units like the 8550 can supply 550W in a 103kg package, translating to over 5.3W/kg. The consumption of propane for the 5015 amounts to about 1.1 kg per day (equivalent to 2 liters) of operation.


Super capacitors find application in electrical circuits for storing Energy Robotics as a charge amassed on plates separated by a dielectric material. These super capacitors are often referred to as ultra capacitors due to their capability to provide markedly elevated energy storage when compared to conventional capacitors used in electronics. Ultra capacitors excel in creating high-power, low-energy batteries.

  • They adeptly address average power requirements, while super capacitors effectively manage brief yet intense power surges during scenarios like acceleration, regenerative braking, and hill climbing. This configuration yields enhanced performance, heightened overall efficiency, extended battery life, amplified energy storage within the battery, and decreased life cycle costs. 
  • Ultra capacitors demonstrate swifter discharge and charging rates than batteries. They can be replenished for use within seconds and deliver 10-25 times more power. For instance, ultra capacitors typically exhibit a specific power of around 2000W/kg, along with significantly reduced charge times when compared to lead-acid batteries. Furthermore, the Double-Layer Capacitor offers an energy density (Wh/kg) of 10-100 times that of conventional capacitors.Hence, in terms of energy and power density, ultra capacitors are positioned between batteries and traditional capacitors.

How Much Energy do Robots Use?

While stationary, the Energy Robotics consumption rests at approximately 700 W. After 20 seconds of idle state, this consumption is automatically diminished to a mere 200 W.

Activating the “hibernate” mode results in an overall system power consumption of about 18 W, encompassing control, inverter, and robot components. During full operation, power demand experiences surges, peaking at around 60 kW.

How Fast can Robots Run? -Energy Robotics

Codenamed “Cheetah,” a Energy Robotics entity has achieved a groundbreaking world speed record, outpacing the swiftest human, Usain Bolt. Backed by Pentagon funding, this headless machine accomplished a velocity of 28.3 mph (45.5 km/h) during treadmill trials.


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